4 Potential Fire Risks with Commercial Cookers

Released On 22nd Jan 2024

4 Potential Fire Risks with Commercial Cookers

A commercial cooker is a large cooking appliance designed for use in commercial/professional kitchens. It's different from a regular household cooker because it's typically larger and more durable, capable of handling the high-volume cooking demands of restaurants or catering businesses. As these commercial cookers play a pivotal role in hospitality, it is important to discuss their potential fire risks.

1. Grease Build-up

Commercial cookers create a lot of grease when cooking. If not cleaned regularly, this grease can build up, making the risk of fire higher. The danger is especially high when there's a build-up of grease in ducts and exhaust systems.

2. Electrical Malfunctions:

Commercial cookers contain parts such as heating elements, thermostats, and wiring, which use electricity. If these parts have problems, either from wear and tear or electrical issues, they can cause sparks or overheating, which can be a fire risk.

3. Flammable Materials

Flammable materials such as paper towels, packaging, or cloth are often in close proximity to hot surfaces or open flames. If these materials come into contact with a hot cooker or a flare-up, they can quickly ignite.

4. Human Error

Leaving cooking unattended, improper use of cooking equipment, or neglecting to follow safety protocols, can significantly contribute to fire risks.

In conclusion, the significant role that commercial cookers play in the fast-paced world of hospitality comes with fire risks that cannot be overlooked.

We offer fire risk assessments for hospitality businesses that safeguard your business and patrons from potential fire hazards. We will inspect the maintenance of appliances to avert malfunctions causing fires, safe storage of flammable materials away from heat sources, adequate ventilation to prevent fume build-up and grease accumulation, and the installation and upkeep of efficient fire suppression systems, such as hood extinguishers, for rapid containment and extinguishing of potential kitchen fires.

Contact us to find out how we can help.

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